Thursday, 26 September 2013

Be the Change - Circle at FDU & Student Leadership Initiative

Hi All,

As those of you know who have attended "The Dreamer Awakes - Be the Change" Symposium at FDU last Saturday (21 Sept 2013), we will be hosting a "Circle" at FDU that has grown out of the event.

The Circle has been designed to help us manifest our dreams or ideas of change in reality - which, I think, is something ALL Global Scholars may want to start doing :)

Meeting times: about 5 times per term.
First Meeting: Friday, October 4th, 4:00 pm, Room 135, FDU.

The Circle is open to the general public. So if you have friends outside of FDU who are interested, please invite them.

Be the Change is an organization that focuses on creating more sustainability through student leadership and community initiatives. Here a link to their mission:

Participation in Be the Change is particularly useful for Global Scholars, since you will get the opportunity to practice leadership skills in addition to creating lasting positive change.


Selected Political, Social, and Economic Theories about the Interconnectedness of Our World

Hi All,

Please watch the following videos and discuss them briefly:

a) Crashcourse: Capitalism & Socialism

b) The Story of Stuff

c) Global Ethics vs. National Interest

d) Tools for a Better World

Think about any of the issues raised in any of these videos - or in books, articles, or other videos about similar topics - and comment on them here.

Imagine you have absolute power - and the responsibility to restructure the social, economical, and political system of a country. Please describe in details what kind of system you would create and why you think it would work well. Feel free to be fictional and come up with a utopian world.

I hope you enjoy in particular coming up with answers to question 3  :)
